Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday Talks | Disabling Booktuber Comments

Today's Tuesday Talks, a Goodreads group by Janelle and Janie centers on the comments section on YouTube, and whether YouTubers, specifically BookTubers, should disable their comments.

As some of you may know, I was a BookTuber for a short while, and never once did it cross my mind to disable my comments. In fact, comments made my day. I loved interacting with people and discussing different opinions on books.

The reason YouTube is so ubiquitous in our society is that it provides a different type of interaction between the audience and the "performer". It's more one on one, no studio audience, no script, just people in their bedrooms being themselves. The comment section is just an extension of this community, somewhere where we directly can give feedback and criticisms without corporate companies and commercial influences hindering us.

Yes, people can be mean. As humans we judge everything, from actors to YouTubers, and the platform shouldn't make a difference. Personally, I think if you've decided to put a video of yourself on the Internet, you should be aware that anyone is capable of saying anything and be fully aware of those consequences before posting a video.

Am I justifying these mean and degrading comments that people post? Absolutely not. But I am saying that it's all about perspective. Glean the good things out of the helpful comments and ignore the bad comments, there's no need to prevent everyone from giving feedback because a small amount of the population decided to be jerks.

What do you guys think? Should YouTube comments be disabled? Let me know in the comments below!

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